How Zoomob Managed to Increase Ad CTRs by 200%

The Result

uplift in ad CTR

 Company Background

Zoomob is a Hong Kong-based mobile game developer and publisher of interactive story games targeting the female market. They released their flagship visual novel game “Heartbeat” in 2018 which had great success internationally. In 2019, they further released a series of female targeting games, which have become popular all around the world.

Zoomob is using MobileAction to drive growth for its games since 2017.

The Challenge of User Acquisition

Due to their limited budget in user acquisition, Zoomob needed a well-crafted strategy to laser target the right audience and achieve a positive ROI. Targeting the right users required them to do a thorough competitor analysis and put a great effort into designing their ad creatives. To ensure they have a good CTR, they needed an ad intelligence tool where they can see all the creatives of their competitors.

Vincent Law

“Mobile Action’s Ad Intelligence helped us refine our ad strategy and increase ad CTR by 200%”

The Strategy with MobileAction’s Ad Intelligence

With MobileAction’s Ad Intelligence product, they were able to analyze and learn from their competitors’ ad strategies. Browsing through the competitors’ ad creatives, they saved a lot of time when selecting what ad assets to use and which country to target. Moreover, they were able to keep track of the trends and see which ad format is extremely useful in the market.

Using MobileActionZoomob has revamped its ad strategy to get the most out of its ad spend. With careful competitor analysis via Ad Intelligence, Zoomob has been able to achieve an uplift of 200% in its ad CTR.

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